12/16/24 Biweekly Check-In

PI meeting



December 16, 2024

Performance Assessment

Previous 2 weeks

  • Attended BIMS Week and presented my educator workshop
  • Continued working with Kai and Darian with their SICB project analysis
  • Finished data cleaning with Noah and identified missing data that he is entering from summer data sheets
  • Submitted travel needs for Noah and I
  • Got AGU content for RUA out the door (flyer design and print, application process walk-through, stickers ordered and shipped, sent website content for revamp to ConMar) This is added despite being non-science because it took up significant time

The projects that have been completed:
- BIMS Week Workshop: Base curricula, preliminary website where it will be housed, and feedback from the in-person curricula review.  - SICB Travel: all students booked except for Noah & I and that process is moving through approvals.

Project Needs/ Updates (not outlined above)

Innovation Grant
- BIMS December invoice is incoming
- Update on Althea & Umut’s one time payment
- Rosalind’s honorarium - is that the way to go?
- Amy’s email re: Carnegie application.

Biomarker paper
- No movement

Priorities (next 2 weeks)

  • Biomarker paper (overdue)
  • Finalizing last 3 SICB presentations by 12/30 lab meeting (Kai, Darian, Noah)

Long term priorities (within the next 2 months)

Bypass Package  - Deadline 2/15/25
- Master’s proposal based on biomarkers and eDNA results
- Goal: Deliver nlt 12.31.24

Other news/ For your awareness…

- Taking FISH 549 Best Practices in Environmental Data Science. Mostly as a way to force me into better habits and project progress throughout the quarter
- Taking SMEA 550 Qualitative Methods in winter quarter
- Applied to the summer BIOL 200 Lecturer role