September 30, 2024
First task was to knock out my bio and photo for the Caroline Gibson newsletter and BIMS Week presenter profile.
Second task was to explore options for illustrating significant pairwise comparisons for my base biomarker plots. I went with box plots by reporting area and box plots by PAH ranking for the biomarkers and morphometrics. I really like the clarity of the ANOVA plots that assign a letter to values that have a statistically significant difference, but that doesn’t fit for comparisons. I chose to add significance bars with asterisk indicators of significance. After a little playing with where the bars were located, I feel good about the base plots.
I worked on my presentation for the Salish Sea Sciences students. I think I’m pretty close to a solid talk that won’t bore them to death!
I wrapped up my science work by reviewing my September goals and reflecting on what could help be for October.